Aluminum Bronze
The physical and metallurgical properties of materials used to produce some non ferrous tubes may cause them to mechanically bond to the surface of tool steel forming rolls. This "pick-up" condition then causes unacceptable cosmetic blemishes on the tube as it passes through these rolls. Aluminum Bronze then becomes the roll material of choice because the scalp metal will not bond to its surface. Higher roll wear is the main drawback of this roll material. Split and bolted designs are frequently used on driven aluminum bronze rolls to prevent rapid reduction of roll diameter due to frequent regrinds. The most common use of aluminum bronze is in the production of stainless and titanium tubes. It is also effective on very soft or coated ferrous tubes when cosmetics are critical.
Grade choice is always a consideration when using this material for rolls. Wearability and material cost varies with the grades so selection must provide the most cost effective solution.
At JMC Rolls we use only AMPCO Metals as our source for this material. Other sources for this metal have been found by us to be of inconstant and inferior quality.